Peel off layers of stress to feel vibrant again!

Stress impacts on your health!

It can lead to

anxiety, fatigue, depression, insomnia, weight gain, headaches,

digestive disorders, learning difficulties and more!

If you are feeling anxious or fatigued, or have any health or learning difficulties,
then somewhere in your physicality your Energy pathways are blocked or stressed!

Kinesiology is a Mind-Body Science whereby your muscles reveal where and why your Energy pathways are stressed,
and it can also reveal what can be done to defuse this stress to get your vital Inner Energy flowing again!

Kinesiology assists in peeling off layers of stress and stimulating your vital healing potential!

If you are seeking optimal physical, emotional & mental health then give Sally a call to arrange a session of Kinesiology to get your Inner Energy flowing with vitality!

1 ~1.5 hour session
Bookings are essential

is beneficial for:

Anxiety & Depression
Fatigue & Tiredness
Fears & Phobias
Coordination & Balance
Stress Management
Emotional Trauma
Sleeping Issues
Relationship Issues
Learning Disorders
Learning Enhancement
Digestive Disorders
Nutritional Enhancement
Hormonal Imbalance
All types of Pain
Sport Performance
Goal Development
Personal Development

Saturday, July 27, 2024